Sunday, April 25, 2010

what I'm working on: Dependency Grammar and XDG

Abstract: It turns out that coordination (the use of conjunctions) is really hard for most grammatical theories. We're working on ways to handle it with graceful failure by selectively relaxing constraints in our constraint-based parser -- ideally we can come up with an approach for handling unfamiliar grammatical structures just by tweaking the weights on our constraints.

This post and the next one (forthcoming!) are basically a talk that Mike and I gave on Tuesday.

If you like slides, here are the slides:
Mike's slides: background for the project
My slides: recent progress with weighted constraint solving

About Dependency Grammar and XDG

For our translation system, we're using a dependency grammar formalism called XDG, the Extensible Dependency Grammar. In dependency grammar, instead of representing your analysis of a sentence as a tree of nested phrases, you're interested in the individual relationships between words (eg, "this noun is the subject of this verb"), so the analysis of a sentence ends up being a directed graph with labeled arcs, instead of a tree of phrases, like you might have with phrase-structure grammars. There are nice diagrams of this in Mike's slides. XDG was developed by Ralph Debusmann in his doctoral work -- his implementation of it is done in Mozart/Oz, and we're working on a new one in Python.

There are several competing DGs, of course. But XDG has a few nice properties that set it apart from other approaches, and one of them is that it's constraint-based. The task of producing a parse is expressed as a constrained search; there are rules in the grammar associated with each word (or class of words) that say things like "I'm a verb, and I need a subject, and it must come before me". So when we start to try to analyze a sentence, we list all of the possible links between words, find all of the constraints that apply, and then set a general-purpose constraint solver on the problem.

Another other neat thing about XDG is that it's multi-layered -- an analysis is actually a multigraph. So some of the links in the analysis represent syntax (or even different aspects of syntax, as we're doing for English), and some of them can represent your semantic model. And there are constraints that describe the relationships between different layers. In the next few months, we want to replace "semantic model" with "syntax of the target language for the translation"!

So XDG has these functions called "principles", and when these are run, they add to the list of constraints on the analysis. Some of them include the principle that the analysis should be a tree, or a planar graph (called "projectivity" in Linguistics World), and that we get other desiderata like verbs agreeing with their nouns. ("she jumps" is OK, but not "they jumps")

This works out pretty well, actually. In his dissertation, Debusmann comes up with fairly broad-coverage grammars for English and German, both of which have some involved syntax. What his grammars don't cover, though, is coordination -- he doesn't have support for conjunctions at all. It turns out that conjunctions are really hard for most grammar formalisms.

It's especially bad for dependency grammar because it seems like an inherently phrasal thing. What's the subject of this sentence?
Jake and Dolores eat yogurt.
You really want to say that it's "Jake and Dolores", but DG can't do that! Each link in the parse goes from one word to one other word. And there's a constraint that says that each verb has only one subject. What to do?

Worse, the sort of sentence that syntacticians seem to love: "Dolores makes and Max delivers yogurt" -- the two verbs here seem to share a direct object. But our "tree principle" says that each word in the graph should only have one head.

Well, let's break the constraints!

... that's the next post, in preparation!

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